The Elementary Chorale is a performing chorus composed of 3rd - 5th graders who enjoy singing and performing. Past chorale groups have performed both on and off campus in a variety of settings and in a wide selection of musical styles. Chorale rehearses weekly for the entire school year. Students participate in the Christmas concert, Spring concert, dinner theatre, and the lower school Fall musical, as well as various other performance opportunities.
Middle School can be a challenging yet amazing time for young singers. While this age is infamous for the male voice change and breathy singing from girls, it’s a wonderful time to build healthy singing habits that can last a lifetime. Students who continue to sing through the Middle School years often struggle less with the voice change, maintain a greater vocal range and make friends that last for their entire school career. Middle School singers at Calvary continue building on their music literacy skills and their sight singing and aural skills while learning more challenging choral literature. Middle School students participate in GMEA District 3 Honor Choir, GMEA All-State Choir, GAPPS Choral competitions (two Superior ratings and Small Ensemble State Champs in 2019) and the Southern Star Music Festival. What better way to use their God-given talents than to sing with excellence, for His glory, while enjoying great music and friends?
High School Choir at Calvary provides numerous opportunities for students who are serious about their pursuit of singing and for those who just enjoy singing with others. Students at all levels from beginner to advanced work together to create one unified product. High School students are challenged to deepen their music literacy and knowledge of music theory and to grow in their sight reading and aural skills. High School Choir learns a repertoire of varied musical styles with increasing difficulty levels and multiple voice parts. They also participate in chapel, concerts and other outside performances throughout the school year. Latrevo earned Superior ratings at the past three GAPPS Chorus competitions and won first place in State in 2018 and 2019. Latrevo also received a Superior rating at the GMEA Large Group Performance Evaluation in 2020. Students in Latrevo participate in the GMEA District 3 Honor Choir, and GMEA All-State as well as Literary for GAPPS.